Journal II

For the most part I think my creative problem solving profile was pretty accurate. The order for the 4 categories was

1.Experiencing // generating, fact finding, getting things started

2.Evaluation // implementing, getting things done, gain acceptance

3. Ideation // problem definition, idea finding, conceptualizing

4. Thinking // optimizing, turn abstract ideas into a solution, evaluation and selection


I’m not surprised that generating and fact finding was my highest category; at the beginning of projects I always do brainstorm a lot and come up with ideas to stem off of. I think what I need to work on is exploring more of these options, however. I tend to come up with a lot of ideas in the beginning and then pick one and go with it. This is okay sometimes, but I think I could probably develop concepts that would allow for more creative problem solving. If I give myself more time to develop these ideas I know I will end up with better and more complete results. Once I start doing this my projects should be more cohesive and hopefully my viewer will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of what I was trying to accomplish with my solution.

With that being said, it makes sense that evaluation and implementing was my second highest category. Like I said I tend to come up with ideas and pick one instead of letting them develop more and maybe combining a few together somehow. I like to get things done so I think this is why I seem to pick an idea and go with it. I do not often change my concept once I get started on a project. I need to start making sure I find more than one good idea and keep searching. I think I need to also work on trying to solve the problem from different viewpoints, not just the first good one that I think of.

I am surprised that my 3rd and 4th categories were not the opposite way. Like I said, I think I could use the most work in number 2; conceptualizing and putting ideas together. I think that will by my main goal for this semester.  I not only want to develop ideas that are more complex, but also combine multiple ideas into one to make them deeper and more dynamic. As far as optimizing goes, I need to work on turning “abstract ideas into solutions.” I often think of things that I would like to do but dismiss them shortly after because I do not know how to execute them. I think this is something that I can definitely improve on. I think with the problem solving skills I have developed so far there is nothing I should not be able to do. I can also use my resources to ask classmates or teachers to help me if I am ever stuck trying to figure out how to make something a reality.

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